Precision nanoScript2 Reverse Transcription Kit

From £225.00

High efficiency reverse transcription (RT) ensures the ability to detect rare transcripts and obtain the strongest possible real-time PCR signals. As a complete solution, the Precision nanoScript2 Reverse Transcription Kit contains all the necessary reagents including both Oligo(dT) and random nonamers for complete flexibility.

Precision nanoScript2 has a highly processive enzyme with excellent performance and is a powerful tool in the qPCR toolkit. This RT core kit is designed to give maximum experimental control. Enzyme, buffer, and dNTPs are supplied in separate vials with both random primers and oligo dT primers to allow you complete control of your protocol.

Precision nanoScript2 is especially modified to work at high temperatures. Higher reaction temperatures reduce the RNA secondary structure (tangling), allow the production of longer transcripts and make for faster reactions. The enzyme also has an increased affinity for primer-template complexes which allow for efficient transcription from a large range of starting RNA template - from 2 nanograms to 2 micrograms.